Wonder Woman

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens June 2, 2017

Runs 141 minutes

Diana (Gal Gadot) is a princess on the island of Themyscira. She is the daughter of Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen), Queen of the Amazon women and niece of Antiope (Robin Wright), general of the Amazon army. All she wants is to become an Amazon fighter. Her mother resists until she has no other option. Then she tells her sister "train Diana harder than any other Amazon woman". Of course, Diana doesn't know her true parentage and Hippolyta hopes to keep it that way forever. But, reality intrudes when Steve Trevor (Chris Pine), an American spy and pilot, crashes near their island and is rescued by Diana. He is being trailed by the Germans who intrude on the Amazons and a battle ensues. When Diana learns of the War to end all Wars happening abroad, she feels that Ares, god of war, must be behind this and he must be stopped. She leaves with Steve to try to bring an end to the War because that is her duty. Once abroad and facing an evil worse than she expected, she must discover her true powers to save mankind.

This movie is really good. I loved the beginning on Themyscira, watching the Amazon women train. They are strong and beautiful, especially Connie Nielsen and Robin Wright. Wow, Robin Wright is fierce. These women are all awesome. The back story and the mythology surrounding Wonder Woman were very well done. Then, once the story moved off the island and into WWI, the movie felt more like a cross between a war film and a James Bond film. I loved the characters and the intrigue. I thought Chris Pine and Gal Gadot had fabulous chemistry. I liked how they kept the film appropriate to the times, no bad language and feelings of innocence, awe and even disappointment in the evil of man. But, in this film there is always hope and faith that man's goodness will rise. I loved that about the film. Overall, a strong entry into the DC superhero films. It is refreshing to have a strong female lead and Gal holds her own with the fiercest fighters. She must have trained like crazy for this role. Plus, she is beautiful. Now, I am looking forward to the Justice League film. Hopefully, that film can live up to Wonder Woman. Great film. Go see it!

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