White Girl

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Nudity    Violence    Sex    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens September 23, 2016

Runs 88 minutes

Leah (Morgan Saylor) has just finished her freshman year at college and is interning at a hot magazine in New York City. She and her best friend Katie (India Menuez) have just moved to a sketchy neighborhood to save money. There she meets Blue (Brian "Sene" Marc), a cute, small-time drug dealer. She is immediately smitten because Leah loves drugs. Leah, Katie and Blue hang out and do drugs. Leah introduces Blue to some of her magazine friends and soon he is dealing to them, as well. But, everything comes crashing down when Blue is arrested and it is his third strike. Leah will do anything to get him released from jail. Only, Leah finds out that the more she tries to help the worse it gets. Soon she is in over her head and there may be no way for her to save herself, let alone Blue.

This is a tough movie to watch. The Husband and I liked it but it was hard to believe that these people could take this many drugs and still function. It seemed a little over-the-top. But, this was definitely Morgan Saylor's breakout performance. She was really natural and uninhibited in a pretty demanding role. Justin Bartha and Chris Noth both have small parts that play against type. They were not very good people, although Chris Noth does try to help her but expects a lot in return. This movie was tense and scary. You are just waiting for the next brick to fall. Not for anyone under 18!!! There is nudity, drugs, drugs and drugs and lots of explicit sex. We kept worrying that the actors weren't even old enough to be in this film. Tough to watch but an interesting film. Go see it if you think you can handle it.

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