While We're Young

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens April 10, 2015

Runs 97 minutes

Josh (Ben Stiller) and Cornelia (Naomi Watts) are a happily married couple just starting to realize that all of their friends have grown up and had babies, leaving them outside looking in. They feel old and stuck in a rut. Josh has been working on a complicated documentary for years. Cornelia feels pressured to hang with her mommy friends, but doesn't quite know how to act around them. Then they meet Jamie (Adam Driver) and Darby (Amanda Seyfried), a hip, younger couple whose spontaneity and zest for life awakens something that they thought they had lost. Jamie is a wannabe documentry filmmaker who looks up to Josh as a mentor. Darby is a free spirit who makes artisan ice cream and takes Cornelia to hip hop dance class. Soon, they are avoiding their older friends and trying to hang with the youngsters. But, is Jamie really as innocent as he acts or are ulterior motives lurking in the background of this friendship? 

This starts off as a pretty good movie. Ben and Naomi have great chemistry and it is fun watching them trying to stay young, hip and relevant. I could have done without the scene involving vomiting up your past demons so be prepared for that one... The humor gets darker as the film moves into the final act. Then, the film becomes almost thrillerish. It felt almost like two different movies to me. Adam Driver is really good, though. I am a little torn on this one. The movie ends on a positive note, so it remains hopeful - you can mature and still remain a relevant human being. So, overall I liked it. I just wanted to like it more. The Husband didn't really like it. He thought it was slow. I say it is worth seeing if just for the acting alone.

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