When Marnie Was There

Parental Rating: PG


Jill's Review

Opens June 3, 2015

Runs 103 minutes

This is a Japanese animated film (there is a subtitled version and an English language dubbed version) about a young girl named Anna who lives with her adoptive parents in Sapporo and is becoming more and more unhappy. Her sorrow and loneliness are even causing health issues. Her parents send her to the country for the summer to stay with her aunt and uncle and hope that the country atmosphere will bring her out of her doldrums and cure her lingering malaise. While she is there, she discovers an old mansion and feels a flicker of recognition. She spends the summer learning about the house, it's inhabitants, especially the blond haired girl in the window named Marnie and even some secrets about her past. She makes some new friends along the way and learns to be happy once again.

This is a sweet and beautiful film. There is a very interesting story that unfolds which definitely keeps your interest. You eventually forget that you are watching an animated film as you become attached to the characters and hope for the best for Anna. It is a pretty simple film, with lovely animation. The voices are fine. I saw the English language dubbed version. Nothing too special, just fine. The film is good for the whole family and nice wholesome entertainment. Worth seeing.


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