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Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Nudity    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens May 8, 2015

Runs 105 minutes

Alice Klieg (Kristen Wiig) suffers from some kind of mental illness. She spends most of her days watching re-runs of Oprah. One day, she wins $86 million dollars in the lottery. She immediately stops taking her medication and buys herself a Talk Show just like Oprah, only she wants to come in on a Swan Boat. She convinces Gabe and Rich Ruskin (Wes Bentley and James Marsden) to put her show on the air. They need the money so they agree. Of course, their producers (Joan Cusack and Jennifer Jason Leigh) think they are out of their minds. But, everyone goes along because she is paying them.  Alice only wants to talk about herself. She even stages re-enactments of situations in which she thinks she was slighted by people in her past. Nothing really makes sense but she does have a unique following. Eventually, things begin to fall apart for Alice and she has alienated even her best friend Gina (Linda Cardellini). Will she be able to keep her talk show or will she have to face reality and go back to her real life?

The Husband and I liked this movie. We didn't love it. It was very funny in parts but the humor was also very dark. This woman was very mentally unstable. It was hard not to worry about what was going to happen to her. And, she was very unpleasant when she stopped taking her medication so it was hard to see how Gina was able to maintain her friendship with Alice. But, it was also charming in parts and you were rooting for Alice to make it through the darkness of her disease. So, in the end, we liked it. If you are a fan of Kristen Wiig, she gives a very uninhibited performance in this film and I think you would like it. If you are more of a mainstream moviegoer, you might find this just a little too absurd.

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