Very Good Girls

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Nudity    Sex    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens July 25, 2014

Runs 91 minutes

Lilly (Dakota Fanning) and Gerri (Elizabeth Olsen) are best friends spending their final summer together before Liily heads off to Yale in the Fall. They come from extremely different backgrounds. Lilly's parents are uptight Doctors practicing out of their lovely home. Gerri's parents are laid-back almost hippies and there is never a dull moment at their house. Each girl envies the other's life just a little. Then they both meet a young, artist type and Gerri really goes after him to be the one to take her virginity. However, he is drawn to Lilly. The resulting triangle will tear them apart. Will they be able to restore their friendship before it is too late?

This is a pretty simple coming of age movie. Dakota and Elizabeth are great together and both actresses are very natural on screen. It doesn't take a genius to see where the movie is headed, but it isn't a terrible way to spend 90 minutes. If you are fans of these two actresses, you might give it a try.

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