Veronica Mars

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Violence    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens March 14, 2014

Runs 108 minutes

This is the movie that resulted from a kickstarter campaign for fans of the original TV show.  It begins with Veronica (Kristen Bell) graduatiing from Law School and about to land a job with a prestigious law firm in New York.  She is summoned back to her hometown of Neptune, California by her ex-boyfriend Logan who has been accused of murder.  She agrees to head back for a few days to help him find a lawyer and then return to the new life she has in New York. Once in Neptune, things are not what they seem and she is gradually lured back into the life she thought she had left behind.

It doesn't matter if you watched the TV show or not.  The first two minutes catches everyone up on Veronica's life since she left for New York 10 years ago.  The rest of the movie is Veronica investigating the murder which happens to coincide with her 10 year High School reunion.  All of the regulars from the TV show are back and if you didn't watch the show (which I didn't), I'm sure you'll be able to keep up.  It is an average movie.  If you are a fan of Veronica Mars, it is probably worth a look.

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