
Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Violence    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens April 10, 2015

Runs 83 minutes

This movie follows a group of friends as they Skype, text and instant message each other. The whole movie takes place on the computer screen of one of the girls, as she opens conversations, checks facebook and continually Skype's with her friends. As they are Skyping (and let me just say now that if you don't use a MAC and aren't really computer proficient, you might go a little crazy) an anonymous avatar shows up in their conversations. Soon, they realize that someone (or something) is using their dead friend's account. This friend committed suicide after being bullied on-line and it appears that she (or her ghost or something) is out for revenge. Soon, the "friends" are being picked off one-by-one in inventive and cruel ways while the others watch on-line. Will anyone escape unscathed for the sequel?

I rated this a little higher than it deserves, mostly for creativity. I didn't expect to be quite so entertained watching a bunch of kids talking to each other on a computer screen. But, the concept worked and was pretty effective. It did seem a little low budget and jumpy which sometimes drives me crazy. But, for a teenage horror flick, it was ok. However, my biggest gripe about this film (and Nacho Kim's who was with me) is that once things started going horribly wrong, why didn't these stupid kids get off of their computers and maybe seek out the help of their parents. But, then there wouldn't be a movie, right? If you like horror films that aren't really very scary (but there is some gore and a gross-out scene!) then you might like this one. Not for mature adults....

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