Underworld: Blood Wars

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens January 6, 2017

Runs 91 minutes

Death Dealer Selene (Kate Beckinsale) is tired of the fighting between the Vampires and the Lycans. She just wants to be left alone. But when the Lycans attempt to kidnap her, she is drawn back into the never-ending battle. It seems that Marius (Tobias Menzies), the leader of the Lycans, is trying to track down Selene's daughter as she is the last remaining true hybrid. If he can get her blood, the Lycan clan will be unstoppable. Selene must team up with Thomas (Charles Dance) and David (Theo James) and the last two remaining covens of vampires to stop Marius before it is too late.

Ok, I admit it, I liked this movie. It is action-packed. The choreography is fantastic. The overall look of the movie is fabulous - dark and medieval, with great costumes. Love that the vampires all dress up (only in black of course to prevent bloodstains). Except for the Nordic coven, all blond-haired and dressed in white. They are peacelovers so they can wear white (that is until they are drawn into battle, as well. I would hate to see their dry cleaning bills). Anyway, the story is decent and it moves the mythology along. The acting is campy, as it should be. Kate Beckinsale is great, as always. If you are a fan, then you will enjoy this installment. It does have a quick catch-up at the beginning for people new to the franchise (or for those of us who can't remember everything that has happened). So, even newbies can enjoy it. But, it was made for the true fans, and if that is you, then go see it.

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