True Story

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens April 17, 2015

Runs 99 minutes

Jonah Hill is Michael Finkel, a well-regarded New York Times Reporter. That is until he is fired for misrepresenting information in one of his stories. He is struggling for work and things are not looking good for him. One day he receives a call regarding a man named Christian Longo (James Franco) who has just been arrested in Mexico. He had been on the FBI's most wanted list for murdering his family. The reason Michael is called is because Christian had been living under an assumed identity - that of Michael Finkel. Michael immediately sees a story and sets up a meeting with Christian in prison. Thus begins a game between them as Christian slowly reveals information about himself and the crime and Michael begins investigating and writing his story. Michael is very taken with Christian. He thinks he just might be innocent. He follows him all the way through his trial, until the "True Story" is finally revealed.

This movie sounded great. It is based on real events. I mean how much stranger could you get than this? And, the movie is good, just not great. I thought both Jonah and James did a good job. James can play the innocent but maybe slimy character pretty well. The story just moves very slowly. You know how it is going to probably turn out so there isn't a lot of suspense. I guess I wanted a little more mystery and tension. But, it is an interesting story and still worth watching.

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