Transformers: Age of Extinction

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Open June 27, 2014

Runs 165 minutes

This is considered a reboot of the franchise since there is no more Shia LaBoeuf. Now there is Mark Wahlberg, a not so successful inventor and widower with a very attractive daughter (Nicola Peltz). He somehow ends up with Optimus Prime, disguised as a truck, in his garage. Since the last movie, the transformers are now considered enemies of the United States since they destroyed Chicago. Now, the C.I.A., led by Kelsey Grammer, is out to track down every last Autobot and eradicate them from the planet.  Meanwhile, Kelsey may or may not be in cahoots with Stanley Tucci, whose company is working on some kind of robots of their own. Once they hear that Optimus Prime has been found, chaos ensues as they try to find and kill him and make sure that Mark Wahlberg and his family never see the light of day. 

Wow. This movie has a lot going on. I saw it in 3D IMAX. I have to admit that it looked great and the technology was amazing. I thought my teeth were going to rattle out of my head and then my head was going to explode several times, but this was still probably my favorite of the series. I admit it, I like Mark Wahlberg. He and the other humans added a lot of humor to this movie. Not that it is Oscar worthy or anything, but it is a lot of loud and over the top fun.  It is too long, but the payoff is worth it. I especially liked the new origin creatures. They made for some cool special effects. And, Stanley Tucci and Kelsey Grammer made for some hilarious scenes. If you liked the other Transformer movies, you won't be disappointed. If you are like Trainer Joe and haven't seen any of them, this is the perfect one to start with because it sort of goes back to the beginning and is easy to follow. Just go with it and have a good time.

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