To Dust

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Violence    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens March 1, 2019

Runs 105 minutes

Shmuel (Geza Rohrig), a Hasidic cantor, is distraught by the death of his wife. He becomes obsessed with what will actually happen to her soul and her body as it decays in the earth. He seeks out help from his Rabbi and others but eventually, forms a hilarious partnership with local community college science professor Albert (Matthew Broderick). Together, they investigate how bodies decay (in a vey unethical manner) and form a friendship along the way.

This is a small film. It is darkly funny and a little disturbing in places, especially involving the death of a pig. it is well-acted and it will make you laugh. Matthew Broderick is a hoot as the science professor. I saw this with the Neighbor and she and I could never figure out why he was wearing a women's bathrobe. But, he is pretty funny. Once you leave the movie, it is not likely to stay with you. Although, it might make you think about your religious convictions and what you think happens to the soul at death. If you like films that are just a little different, then this might be for you. If it sounds good, then go see it.

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