They Came Together

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Nudity    Sex    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens July 2, 2014

Runs 83 minutes

Joel (Paul Rudd) and Polly (Amy Poehler) are at dinner with friends and tell the story of their relationship. They meet and hate each other on sight. She owns a small, neighborhood candy shop. He works for a giant candy conglomerate that wants to drive her out of business. They run into each other at various events and eventually give dating a try. Small problem...Joel is still hung up on his ex-girlfriend (Cobie Smulders). They break up and then get back together in a typical romantic comedy way. 

This is an average romantic comedy, almost set up like a spoof of romantic comedies. Paul Rudd and Amy Poehler make it watchable and some parts are pretty funny. But, not laugh out loud funny. Just average. If you like Paul and Amy, then give it a try.  Maybe go to the matinee....

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