The Young Messiah

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens March 11, 2016

Runs 111 minutes

Jesus is seven and living in Egypt with his parents. He is unaware that he is the Messiah, but he is aware that his parents are keeping secrets from him about his birth. The family fled to Egypt to avoid King Herod's edict that called for the death of all male babies. In Egypt, young Jesus begins to realize that he is different from other young children his age. His parents tell him to keep everything close to his heart and all will be revealed in due time. Then, they learn that Herod is dead and the entire family sets out to return to Nazareth. However, no one was prepared for the fact that Herod's son will stop at nothing to find the Messiah and make sure that he is put to death before he learns the truth about his religious identity.

I really like the fact that this was an unabashedly Christian film and I would like to see the studios make more Christian films, so I rated this a little higher than normal because I want people to go see it. It is an earnest film that quotes the Bible and it does follow the Bible as far as the Virgin birth, Herod, the move to Egypt and other things. The fact that the film creates a story about Jesus when he was seven is a little difficult to swallow. The Husband and I don't recall ever hearing that Jesus was on the run from Herod's son or that he performed miracles at such a young age. He surely could have but it seems that an even better film would have just stuck to the Bible and picked up the story when he was 12 or so and teaching in the Temple. That was still pretty amazing. But, overall it was an interesting take on the young Jesus as he grows to learn that he is actually the son of God. Definitely worth seeing, especially if you are a Christian. 

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