The Women's Balcony

Parental Rating: No Rating

Contains: Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens June 23, 2017

Runs 96 minutes

In the middle of a Bar Mitzvah at the local synagogue, the women's balcony collapses. The Rabbi's wife is injured and the Rabbi suffers a sort of psychotic break with reality - most likely caused by grief over his wife. In the meantime, the parishioners are without a leader and in their Orthodox community, that means they cannot hold prayers. A young Rabbi, Rabbi David (Avraham Aviv Alush) comes to their rescue and agrees to hold prayers with them. Suddenly, he is helping with the finances and heading up the construction for the new Temple. Only, he is Ultra Orthodox and doesn't see a need to replace the women's balcony. In his view, spending money on that instead of a new Holy Scroll is a sin. This leads to all kinds of complications between the men and the women. The women stage a walkout and eventually, a protest across the street from the Synagogue. Will their old Rabbi recover in time to mend all of these relationships and save the women's balcony?

This is a fabulous little indie film. It provides beautiful insight into a small orthodox community in Israel that is thrown into chaos in a clash between Orthodox and Ultra Orthodox views, especially toward women. The relationships between the couples in this film seem so genuine. They are happy and content until the men start to follow a new Rabbi with more fundamentalist views regarding women. Then, the women take control. The film is sweet, humorous and touching. There is even a little romance. The film is not rated but I would give it a PG rating. Perfect for the whole family. Interesting look at an insular community that you wouldn't normally see. It leaves you happy and satisfied at the end. Go see it!!!!


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