The Wolfpack

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens July 3, 2015

Runs 80 minutes

This is the story of the Angulo brothers who were kept virtually locked away from society for all of their formative years. Once one of the brothers escapes, everything changes and it also allows for this documentary to be filmed. These kids were kept isolated by their father who felt that the streets of New York were not safe for them and by a meek mother who just went along. They were all homeschooled. And, they were introduced to movies which is probably what kept them sane. They watched Batman and Reservoir Dogs and any other movie they could get their hands on. Then they would build elaborate sets and costumes and re-enact the films word-for-word. They were dubbed the "Wolfpack" because they really never left each other's sides and did everything together. 

I thought this was a disturbing documentary. I don't really know when it took place. There was a cell phone later in the film so it wasn't that long ago. Today, I think this would be deemed child abuse. Anyway, it just left me with lots of unanswered questions. It didn't appear to me that they were really locked in. I think they could have wandered out anytime. And, how did the family have any money? They said the Dad didn't work because he didn't trust the government. Well, how did they pay for that big apartment, their food, clothes and all of those movies?? I guess a lot of the movie just hit me the wrong way. It has won several awards and I was really looking forward to it. I left just feeling disturbed. So, if you love documentaries, then maybe you should see it to judge it for yourself.

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