The Walk

Parental Rating: PG

Contains: Language    Nudity    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens September 30, 2015

Runs 123 minutes

(And all of the rating elements are very mild. Fine for most kids.)

Frenchman Phillippe Petit (Joseph Gordon Levitt) trained himself to become a high wire walker, with the help of his mentor Papa Rudy (Ben Kingsley). Soon, his dream was to string his wire between the World Trade Towers and become the first to walk across that dangerous void. In 1974, along with his girlfriend Annie (Charlotte Le Bon) and several other accomplices, he fulfilled his dream.

This is a GREAT movie. I saw it in IMAX 3D (and generally I avoid 3D) but this was well worth it.  It was a spectacular movie. It was hard to believe that those towers are no longer standing. I still don't know how the movie could have looked so realistic. The movie felt very much like a thriller. Phillippe and his team had to sneak all of his equipment up both of the towers, avoid detection, set everything up and then he just had to walk 140 feet, 110 stories up in the air on a tiny little wire. It was almost hard to watch, even though you know he doesn't die. And, the sun reflecting off of the towers at the end of the movie was very sentimental. Again, it is hard to believe that they are no longer standing. GO SEE THIS MOVIE!

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