The Revenant

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Nudity    Violence    Sex    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Wide Release January 8, 2016 (limited opening in 2015)

Runs 156 minutes

It is the 1820's and a group of Frontiersmen are on a hunt for animal pelts. Their camp is attacked by Indians and a small group survives. On the way back to their Fort, Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio), the Scout, is mauled by a vicious bear. Captain Andrew Henry (Domhall Gleeson) leaves a couple of men behind to watch over Hugh and give him a proper burial when he passes. John Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy) resents Hugo and especially dislikes his Pawnee son Hawk (Forrest Goodluck). At the first opportunity, Fitzgerald kills Hawk and leaves Hugh for dead. Only Hugh is not dead and he uses every ounce of strength and determination he has to make it back to their Fort to exact his revenge on Fitzgerald.

This movie is brutal. It is stunningly filmed and absolutely gorgeous. It really makes you think about what the land was like when it was all untamed wilderness. But, it was also dangerous and brutal. Watching Leonard immerse himself in this character just makes your jaw drop. The land is a frozen tundra and Leonardo is hiking up snow covered slopes and wading in frozen water. When he is mauled by a bear, you can barely watch the scene. It is so realistic I don't see how it was even filmed. Leonardo is defintely the frontrunner for the Oscar after his performance in this film. I really liked this movie but I was still tense an hour after it was over. My friend Vicki had to skip dinner because she had no appetite after this movie. I really liked it but it is not for the faint of heart. And, the poor animals in this film really take a beating. If you can't stomach blood, guts, animal parts and just plain physical exhaustion, then this might not be for you. But, I really iked it and Leonardo will definitely be in contentio for an Oscar. Go see it.

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