The Longest Week

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Sex    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens September 5, 2014

Runs 86 minutes

Conrad Valmont (Jason Bateman) lives a life of leisure in the family hotel where he grew up, entertaining the ladies and being chauffeured around the city. He has no job but when asked, he is pretentious enough to say he is still gathering data for his novel (the same thing he has been saying for years). Abruptly, Conrad's parents decide to divorce and in the span of one week, he becomes broke, homeless and pitiful. He decides to crash with Dylan (Billy Crudup), the only friend he can tolerate. One night Dylan introduces him to his sort of girlfriend Beatrice (Olivia Wilde). Conrad is immediately drawn to her and they begin to see each other. He lies to her and says the Hotel where hs was living is being renovated. Eventually, he moves in with her and alienates his only friend Dylan. Will Conrad ever grow up and have a real relationship? Give him a long week and you'll find out....

Jason Bateman has such a dry wit that it is always fun to watch him in anything. This isn't the greatest movie, but the cast is appealing and you are kind of sucked in to see what will eventually happen to Jason's character. It is funny in a talky, highbrow way - not really laugh out loud humor. Sometimes, you have to catch up to the joke. But, it's not a bad diversion on a rainy afternoon.

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