The Loft

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Nudity    Violence    Sex    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens January 30, 2015

Runs 108 minutes

Five friends agree to share a secret Loft where they can meet their mistresses and indulge in their secret fantasies without leaving pesky evidence like credit card bills. Each man (James Marsden, Eric Stonestreet, Karl Urban, Wentworth Miller and Matthias Schoenaerts) is given a key and agrees to follow the "Loft" rules. However, everything falls to pieces when a young woman is found dead in the Loft and it becomes clear that one of the five knows more than he is letting on.

This is a fun and twisty thriller. All of the men and their wives and mistresses are good looking and live privileged lives. The men all have their reasons for using the Loft. None of these men seem to be very upstanding citizens. The movie jumps around and leads you down a few dead ends before everything finally becomes clear. I thought it was fun. It kept me guessing and I didn't exactly see the ending ahead of time. Not a bad way to spend a cold January night.

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