The Interview

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Nudity    Violence    Sex    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens December 25, 2014 (Finally, but still in limited theatres)

Runs 112 Minutes

James Franco is Dave Skylark, a late night talk show host who mostly does fluff pieces about Rob Lowe's baldness or something like that. Seth Rogan is Aaron Rapaport, the show's producer. He has dreams of some day doing real news. Then they receive a request from Kim Jong-Un (Randall Park), the leader of North Korea, to be on their show. It seems that he is a big fan. As they make plans to fly to North Korea to interview him, the CIA meets with them and recruits them for a secret mission...while you have Kim Jung-Un in the studio, "take him out". They head to North Korea to get the Interview and fulfill their American duty.

If you like Seth Rogan and James Franco, you will probably like this movie. I thought it was pretty funny. STUPID, but funny. A lot of it actually made me laugh out loud. Again, it is really dumb. But, it kept me entertained and it was actually better than I expected. Randall Park, as Kim Jong-Un was hilarious. Who knew that the Supreme Leader of North Korea was a Katy Perry fan? Ha! Anyway, don't expect Oscar material. Just go for the laughs and to support American Freedom of Speech!


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