The Insult

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens February 2, 2018

Runs 112 minutes

2018 Oscar Nominee for Best Foreign Film

In Beirut Lebanon, Tony (Adel Karam), a Lebanese Christian and Yasser (Kamel El Basha), a Palestinian refugee, face off in court after a minor insult turns into a major incident. The case ends up at the Appeals court where the evidence stretches back to serious wrongs faced by both parties, well in the past. Both parties are forced to look at how history has shaped their lives and whether this whole ordeal was even worth it, while the media storm swirls around them. Wlll either party feel vindicated after the raw exposure of so much pain in their backgrounds?

This is a GREAT movie. What seems like a very minor insult after a very minor incident turns into a major court case. The movie covers Lebanon today, how the Christian population feels slighted and how the Palestinian refugees are treated. The Husband and I loved this film. There is so much rich cultural history exposed in this movie. We had no idea that there was such a large Christian population in Lebanon. We also had no idea that the Palestinians live as refugees in that country. It really makes you think. And wonder how the Middle East will ever be at peace. Such a great film. Go see this movie! You will be talking about it well after it is over.

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