The Imitation Game

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens December 25, 2014

Runs 114 minutes

English mathematician Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch) is recruited along with a group of other scientists, teachers and overall smart people to help crack the German Enigma Code during World War II. One female, Joan Clarke (Keira Knightly) even made the code cracking team. They were brought to Bletchley Park and together, they worked to decipher where the Germans were headed and what they planned to do next. The only problem was that the code changed every day at midnight and then they all had to start over. Alan was a genius and also very standoffish. His fellow co-workers did not particularly like him, so he began to develop a machine (became known as the Turing machine - really the first computer) that would crack the code once and for all. They were all racing the clock to try to defeat the Germans. As a side note, Alan Turing was also a closeted gay man during a time when that was a punishable offense. He was very conflicted during this whole process which probably made him even more remote from his co-workers. They raced against time and eventually cracked the code but much of what they did remained secret for over 50 years. 

This is a fantastic movie. Benedict Cumberbatch is great! Keira Knightley is really good, too. This is like a thriller version of The King's Speech, very British but also tense and suspenseful. I love true stories like this. It was amazing what this small group of smart people was able to accomplish. And then they had to keep everything secret. No one knew what they had done for all of us. Loved this movie and I say go see it!!

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