The Idol

Parental Rating: PG

Contains: Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens June 3, 2016

Runs 100 minutes

Mohammed Asaf (Tawfeek Barhom) is a young man who grew up in Gaza, Palestine with a dream to be a singer. From a young age, he, his friends and his sister (who had to pretend to be a boy) formed a band and performed at weddings to hone their talents. Eventually, a family tragedy puts an end to his band and his dream. He goes on to school and drives a taxi for a living. Meanwhile, the violence between Israel and Palestine is becoming more and more dangerous. But, when Arab Idol announces last minute auditions in Cairo, Mohammed fights against overwhelming odds to get across the border to Egypt to try to make his dream come true.

This is a sweet and heart-warming movie based on a true story. There is some real footage from the Idol contest included in the film which adds to the story. There is a lot of time spent on Mohammed's childhood and growing up in Gaza. He is close to his family and friends and it is hard for him to leave for Cairo because he may never be allowed to return. It really makes you appreciate what he had to go though just to compete in the Arab Idol competition. I don't want to give away the ending in case you are unfamiliar with the story but just know that you will leave the movie smiling. Perfect for the whole family (although it is subtitled). The Husband, (who knows how to read but usually prefers not to) really liked it along with our niece K.K. It was fun for all ages. Go see it.

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