The Identical

Parental Rating: PG

Contains: Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens September 5, 2014

Runs 107 minutes

Twin boys separated at birth. One stays with the birth parents and grows up to be a famous rock and roll star. The other is raised by a pastor (Ray Liotta ) and his wife (Ashley Judd) and struggles with whether to follow his father into the ministry or heed the call to be a performer like the brother he doesn't know exists.

Blake Rayne (an Elvis impersonator in real life) plays both twins. ( I heard the movie was loosely based on the fact that Elvis had a twin that died in-utero. The movie expands on what it might have been like if that twin had lived, but uses fictional characters.)  Blake is a great singer and the music in the movie is really good. Overall, the movie is corny and cheesy, but it has a great message of faith and learning to understand God's calling in your life. This ia a sweet, faith based movie that is fine for the whole family. It won't win any Oscars, but it is entertaining and fulfilling. I liked it and I really want the soundtrack.

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