The Hummingbird Project

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens March 22, 2019

Runs 110 minutes

Vincent (Jesse Eisenberg) and Anton (Alexander Skarsgård) are cousins who work for Eva Torres (Salma Hayek) at her brokerage firm. Vincent is the idea man and Anton is the brain. They figure out that if they were to dig a fiber optic cable straight through the earth from the Kansas City Trading hub to Wall Street, they could cut milliseconds off of stock trades and make a bunch of money. They resign from their jobs and start work on their project. Vincent raises the capital and starts buying up easements and digging while Anton is secluded away from his famiy, working on the code necessary to save a precious millisecond - the amount of time it takes a hummingbird to flap its wing. Meanwhile, Eva has her minions spying on them. When she figures out what they are doing, she is furious. She pulls out all of the stops to try to beat them at their own game. Now, it is a race to the finish with the winner about to get very rich.

I actually loved this movie. Some of the critics complain that there is too much time spent on the digging and the coding but I thought all of that only added to the level of tension. I thought the cast was brilliant, especially Alexander Skarsgård. He is practically unrecognizeable with his paunchy belly and bald head. He is amazing! I could see him getting an Oscar nod for this performance. It is a smart movie. Lots of complicated ideas floating around. It almost feels like it could be based on a true story but it's not. It is interesting, entertaining and fast-paced. A smart financial thriller. Go see it.

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