The Hornet's Nest

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens May 9, 2014 in Dallas

Runs 97 minutes

This documentary follows two journalists, father and son, Mike and Carlos Boettcher, who are embedded with the troops in Afghanistan for an entire year. They started off filming more mundane operations like protecting supplies as they were carried across Afghanistan. But then things escalated when these soldiers were tasked with capturing a wanted Al Queda leader and it turned into a week long onslaught that resulted in several deaths of American soldiers.

These journalists filmed over 500 hours of footage. The resulting film starts with the father/son relationship as they head to Afghanistan together and how their relationship is strengthened through adversity. But, it also reflects the day-to-day struggles that our soldiers face in Afghanistan. They are away from home and missing their families. Their fellow soldiers become their new families and these soldiers would do whatever it takes to protect their own. Unfortunately this is real life and there are consequences to war. 

This movie is an excellent picture of what our soldiers face every day in battle. It is not glamorous. They get dirty and crawl around on the ground. They try their best to hide behind rocks and trees as they are assaulted. And, they do their best to protect each other every day as they fight for what they believe. I would recommend this movie just to give everyone a better appreciation of what our soldiers sacrifice for us every day.

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