The Grand Seduction

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Sex    Drug Use    

Jill's Review

Opens June 13, 2014 in Dallas

Runs 115 minutes

The town of Tickle Head, Newfoundland is slowly dying.  There are no jobs and everyone is on welfare. Morale is low and people are being forced to move to the big city for work. Their only hope is that the town is in the running for a new Petrochemical factory which would mean jobs for everyone. The only problem is that they must have a full time Doctor living there. Murray French (Brendan Gleeson) is the town elder who has lived there his whole life. He can't bear for the town to fade away so when a Doctor (Taylor Kitsch) has a small drug issue at the local airport, he arranges for him to work off his sentence by serving as the town Doctor for a month. Then he gets the whole town to pitch in and woo him to stay and become their Doctor. They listen in on his phone calls so they know what he likes to eat, they take him fishing and arrange for him to catch a fish and they leave money laying around for him to find because finding money makes everyone happy! They do everything they can to make him want to stay. Will he stay or won't he?

This is a very sweet and funny movie. You can see why the characters would want to stay in Tickle Head and raise their families there. It is on the harbor and everyone knows everyone else's business. These people do everything they can think of to lure the Doctor to stay. It is pretty funny to see the lengths they go to to keep him there. Of course, they are all lying to him but it is so good-hearted that you can't help but forgive them for the deception. I liked this movie. There were no explosions or car chases, just a charming and funny depiction of small town life. Worth it!

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