The Gallows

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens July 10, 2015

Runs 80 minutes

Twenty years ago, the drama department of a small-town high school staged a play called the Gallows. Unfortunately, it ended in an awful tragedy. Today, the same high school has decided that enough time has passed and they can perform the Gallows once again. Not everyone agrees. Several of the students decide to sabotage the set so that the performance will be cancelled. Reese (Reese Mishler), Pfeifer (Pfeifer Brown), Cassidy (Cassidy Gifford) and Ryan (Ryan Shoos) sneak into the high school after hours to mess up the set. However, they soon discover that they should have left well enough alone.

This was an average horror film. There were only four students at risk, so there was not much tension as to whom might die. Limited selection. But, it did make you anxious and curious as to what was going on. I am tired of the "found footage" type of film. The jumpiness and poor picture quality gets old fairly quickly. There was a little twist at the end. It was telegraphed fairly loudly but it was still a slight surprise. If you LOVE horror films, you might want to see this. Otherwise, I would say there are plenty of other better summer films in the theatres today.

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