The Florida Project

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Sex    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens November 10, 2017

Runs 111 minutes

Moonee (Brooklynn Prince) lives with her mother Halley (Bria Vinaite) in a slightly seedy motel on the outskirts of Disney World. Even though they can see Disney World, they couldn't be farther away from actually going there. Halley lives on welfare and other slightly less legally earned money. Over the course of the summer, Moonee hangs with her friends, basically unsupervised. She, Jancey (Valeria Cotto) and Scooty (Christopher Rivera) pull pranks on unsuspecting tenants, they beg for ice cream and they drive the motel manager Bobby (Willem Dafoe) crazy. But, Bobby has a soft spot for these poor, unsupervised kids. He keeps watch over them and tries to keep them out of trouble. For Moonee and her friends, it is an almost idyllic existence until the law closes in and real adults take charge.

This movie was a real surprise. It is very low budget and the cast is virtually unknown, with the exception of Willem Dafoe. Brooklynn Prince is a little star in the making. She is just a natural. Not a lot happens. The kids run around and get sweaty, make up their own games and never really reaiize how close to the edge their families are living. The film shows the fancy tourists coming to Disney World and contrasts them with the folks living (against the rules) at this budget motel. These kids are cute and sweet. But, they have an edge that comes from living a rough existence. Moonee is a smart and slightly devilish child. She could probably make something of herself given the chance. Unfortuntely, life is stacked against Moonee. But, for this one summer, she runs wild and free. I really liked this movie. I felt for Moonee and her friends. And Willem Dafoe is great in a small but important role. For a low budget film, this one is very well done. Go see it.

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