The Farewell

Parental Rating: PG

Contains: Language    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens July 26, 2019

Runs 100

When Nai Nai (Shuzhen Zhao), the beloved grandmother of a large family, is diagnosed with untreatable cancer, the extended family decides that it is more merciful to keep her in the dark. Instead, they rush the wedding of her grandson so that everyone can gather together one last time before her illness takes her life. Her granddaughter Billi (Awkwafina), who has lived in America most of her life, is distraught. She goes to China with the rest of her family but struggles to hide her despair. However, the time with family and friends helps her to see her grandmother's happiness having everyone gathered together. Maybe it is for the best that she never knows that she is dying.

This is a sweet movie. It is about family most of all. It might seem a little weird not to tell the grandmother that she has cancer but the Chinese believe that as soon as you hear the word cancer, you start dying. They wanted her to really live and enjoy her final days, however many that may be. Shuzhen Zhao is so great as the grandmother. She is full of life and happiness. She loves her family and is so happy to have everyone together. This is Awkwafina's breakout performance. She is so good - she is funny, sad and confused. But, so glad that she got to spend this final time with her beloved grandmother. For a film about imminent death, this movie is full of life, love and humor. It is a really good film. There is a great scene at the end of the film that leaves you with a happy heart. Go see this movie.

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