The Drop

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens September 13, 2014

Runs 106 minutes

In his final big screen performance, James Gandolfini is Cousin Marv, the former owner and now just employee of a Brooklyn bar that serves as a "money drop" for local gangsters. Bob (Tom Hardy) is the quiet and unassuming head bartender. When a robbery goes awry, Bob finds himself embroiled in an investigation that uncovers old resentments and bitter rivalries.

I don't want to give too much away so I am keeping the summation brief. James Gandofini gives a great performance as a man disappointed by where his life has taken him. It is sad to think that this was his last movie. Tom Hardy is great as the quiet but ever-observant Bob.  As Detective Torres (John Ortiz) says during his investigation, no one ever sees Bob coming. And, Rocco the dog that Bob adopts and that causes quite a bit of trouble, is super adorable. I was nervous for the dog the whole movie and (SPOILER ALERT) I will tell you that the dog is still alive and wagging his tail at the end of the film. I thought this was a great adaptation of Dennis LeHane's novel. It is gritty and dark. It will keep you engrossed until the end. And, just remember that Rocco the dog makes it to the end. Go see it!

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