The Boss

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens April 8, 2016

Runs 99 minutes

Michelle Darnell (Melissa McCarthy) grew up an unloved orphan with no real family. She survives and goes on to become ithe 47th richest woman in America despite her sad upbringing. In fact, she works hard and becomes a motivational speaker, backed up by fireworks, dancers and rappers. She is proud. The only problem is that she stepped on one too many toes to get to the top. One of the people she left in her wake is only too happy to take her down and soon she is in jail for Insider Trading. Her loyal assistant Claire (Kristin Bell), a single mother, must find new employment and move on with her life. Once Michelle is released from prison she has nowhere to go and shows up on Claire's doorstep. Claire does not want to take her in but she feels sorry for her. Soon, Michelle has hatched a new get rich plot. She will poach girls from Claire's daughter's Dandelion Troop and sell Claire's brownies and become a rich mogul once again. Claire's daughter Rachel (Ella Anderson) bonds with her and soon they are off. But, it appears that Michelle might not have learned her lesson the first time. And, her former boyfriend Renault (Peter Dinklage) is still feeling spurned and waiting to exact revenge, again.

This might have sounded good on paper but it was not a very good movie. The Husband hated it. Nacho Kim and I laughed a lot. But, it was not very good. I love Melissa McCarthy but this movie did not play to her strengths. It relied on stale jokes and very bad language to provide the humor. I think this movie would have been funnier if it had been PG-13. Bad language is not funny, especially when it is just repeated over and over again. It was directed by Melissa's husband and I'm sure they were excited to work together. Next time, let's hope for a better script. If you love Melissa, then I'm sure you'll see it anyway. Just go to the matinee and don't pay full price.

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