Steve Jobs

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens October 16, 2015

Runs 122 minutes

This is the story of Steve Jobs (Michael Fassbender) told against the backdrop of three product launches. It starts with the release of the first MacIntosh in 1984. It goes backstage as he prepares for the announcement. He meets with various team members - his mentor John Scully (Jeff Daniels), his partner Steve Wozniak (Seth Rogen) and his most trusted confidante and Marketing manager, Joanna Hoffman (Kate Winslet). His ex-girlfriend Chrisann Brennan (Katherine Waterston) also shows up with Steve's daughter, a daughter that he claims is not even his, although the DNA is 94% certain that she is. His relationship with his ex and his daughter is contentious, at best. The movie follows him through his firing and then the launch of NEXT. Then, his eventual re-hiring and ultimately the launch of the iMac. Steve Jobs is a genius but he is not humble. He revolutionized computer technology, but it appeared to be at high cost. It affected all aspects of his life, and maybe even ultimately his health.

This is a really good movie. It is written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by Danny Boyle. So, it is very "talky" but moves at a furious pace. It is amazing how much is learned about Steve Jobs just focusing on the launch of these three products. The movie does cover about 20 years, obviously the most important ones. Joanna Hoffman was a very loyal and patient confidante. I think I would have quit working for him very early on. I thought Kate Winslet was fantastic! Michael Fassbender is great, too. A lot of people don't think he looks like Steve, but I thought he felt just right. His body was wiry and skinny and once he cut his hair and put on the round glasses, I thought he looked a lot like him. Overall, the movie is not exactly flattering to Steve Jobs on a personal level. But, his genius and the loyalty of his followers shines through. Go see it!

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