Star Trek Beyond

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens July 22, 2016

Runs 122 minutes

The USS Enterprise is out on a five year mission in unchartered space. They pick up a stranded women who claims her ship was taken and begs for their help. They head to the planet where her ship is located only to find that things are not what they seem. Now the USS Enterprise has been damaged and the crew is stuck on a remote planet with no way to communicate back to Earth. They must face off against a new enemy named Krall (Idris Elba), gather their forces and work together to get everyone back to Earth in one piece.

Ok. This movie was good but not great. It was way too long. It takes 20 minutes for the USS Enterprise to fight through the Nebulae before they even land on the unknown planet. It was like watching someone else play a video game, very jerky. Once they land and the interaction between the characters begins, the movie is much more entertaining. I like the cast. I love Bones (Karl Urban). And, I loved the new character Jaylah (Sofia Boutella). So, it was entertaining. The whole justification for Krall was a little vague. Not the best installment, but a serviceable sequel. If you are a diehard fan, then you will probably like it. Otherwise, not bad, just not great.

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