Southside with You

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens August 26, 2016

Runs 84 minutes

This film follows Michelle Robinson (Tika Sumpter) and Barack Obama (Parker Sawyers) as they walk and talk on their very first "date". Michelle was a second year associate at a large law firm in Chicago. Barack was an intern and her mentee. She agreed to spend some time with him but was quick to dismiss the get-together as a "date". She didn't think it would be appropriate. Barack spent the time trying to convince her otherwise as they went to an Afrocentric exhibition at the museum, walked in the park, attended  a community organizing event and topped it all off at a showing of "Do the Right Thing". I guess we know how everything eventually turned out.

I thought this movie was ok. We learned a few things about how Michelle and Barack met. Michelle was portrayed as very serious about life and her career while Barack came off as more relaxed. No great revelations. Nothing earth-shattering. Just a nice date between two people who seemed like opposites to me. That's all that happened. The end. I heard a lot of people complain that they expected more from the movie. But, that was it. Just the first date. So, if you are a Barack Obama fan, then you will like this movie. If not, then skip it.


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