Some Kind of Beautiful

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Nudity    Sex    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens August 21, 2015

Runs 99 minutes

Richard (Pierce Brosnan) teaches poetry at Cambridge. He is sleeping with Kate (Jessica Alba), one of his students, who gets pregnant. He decides to take some responsibility, even against his father Gordon's (Malcolm McDowell) advice, and move to Los Angeles with her when she graduates. It doesn't take long until he is living in the poolhouse. Then, Kate's sister Olivia (Salma Hayek) shows up and things really get turned upside down.

This is not a very good movie. It has great actors but an extremely dull plot. The movie plods along and you know where it is headed way too soon. It is a shame because I was hoping for a funny, romantic comedy. Instead, I got a very boring movie where everyone looked good but acted like idiots. Skip this one!

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