Sex Tape

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Nudity    Sex    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens July 18, 2014

Runs 90 minutes

Annie (Cameron Diaz) and Jay (Jason Segal) have become a busy married couple, managing their careers and two kids, leaving little time to spend with each other. In order to spice up their sex life, they decide to make a sex tape of themselves performing all of the acts in "The Joy of Sex" manual. Basking in the afterglow, Jay forgets to delete the tape and accidentally sends it to "the Cloud". Of course, no one understands the cloud... They spend the rest of the movie tryng to make sure that they delete all copies of their tape from their friend's computers and various other web sites. 

The premise of the movie is pretty funny. It is a little preposterous how this tape gets out there and onto various other computers and web sites, but it is funny watching them run around trying to delete it. Both Jason and Cameron were pretty game for anything, which is obvious in some of the scenes they perform. It is crude, but they mostly show only the backsides so it's not as revealing as I had expected. The language is worse, though. And it really didn't need to be. The cuter parts of the movie were when they weren't quite so crude and you could see that they really still loved each other. Anyway, Trainer Joe thought it was funny. He can't wait to get a wife and make his own tape...but I digress. It is funny and I liked it but it could have been better.

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