Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens February 5, 2016

Runs 108 minutes

Elizabeth Bennet (Lily James) and her sisters live with their parents in the countryside. They are nearing the time when they should be getting married. But, these girls have been trained for battle their entire lives. They are not pushovers. You see, the Zombie apocalypse has struck England and they must be ready to fight at all times. Mr. Darcy (Sam Riley) is a serious Zombie hunter. He doesn't have time to trifle with silly girls. When Elizabeth's sister Jane (Bella Heathcote) falls for Mr. Bingley (Douglas Booth), he feels that she is only after his money and he drives a wedge between them. But, of course, everyone meets back up and has to band together to fight off the zombies. Will Jane and Mr. Bingley find true love? Will Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy overcome their outward animosity to find that hidden passion for each other? Will they all survive the Zombies???

Ok - I'll admit I liked this movie more than I probably should have. The women and men were very attractive and the costumes were beautiful. There was countryside and horses and ZOMBIES! This was the Pride and Prejudice story with the added threat of Zombies. The film didn't take itself too seriously and I thought it was a little romantic, had lots of action and ZOMBIES! Ha! I thought it was well cast. I liked that the women were the warriors and I liked the little tidbit with the flies (you'll have to see the movie!). Overall, I just went with it and had a good time. Kind of a combo action/romance period film. Fun and witty. Worth a look. And, if you go, stay through the first few credits for one last scene. Sequel maybe???

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