Patriots Day

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Violence    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens January 13, 2017

Runs 133 minutes

This movie is a depiction of the Boston Marathon bombing on April 13, 2013. It follows Policeman Tommy Saunders (Mark Wahlberg) as he works the marathon, becomes one of the first responders and eventually helps track the actual bombers. He is a composite character, but the movie also tells the stories of others who were impacted by the bombing - the Police Commissioner Ed Davis (John Goodman), the Governor Deval Patrick (Michael Beach), the FBI Agent-in-charge Richard DesLauriers (Kevin Bacon) and even some of the survivors. What started off as a regular day turned into a tragedy that eventually brought the city of Boston together as the world watched the events unfold.

This is a great movie. Some people are concerned that it might be too soon for this movie but I don't think so. Like the title, it shows what true American heroes really are. Immediately after the bombings, people didn't run away, they jumped in to help the wounded. And, when the search began for the bombers, the people rallied together to find them at all costs. The movie does a great job at recreating how the day started off as so normal and eventually turned so tragic. Then, it becomes almost thriller-like as the Police and the FBI carry out the manhunt. I remember most of the tragic events but this film gets every little detail just right. And, the ending is so touching. There are interviews with most of the real people, even some of the survivors. Definitely, take some kleenex and go see it!!

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