Palo Alto

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Sex    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens May 23, 2014

Runs 97 minutes

A bunch of worthless high school kids (including Emma Roberts, Nat Wolff and Jack Kilmer - yes, Val's son) party, go to school once in a while and party some more. The kids take a lot of drugs and sleep around. James Franco is the girl's soccer coach who is sleeping with at least two of his players. Some people get hurt and some are able to begin to move forward with their lives. The end.

I didn't like this movie. Who wants to watch a bunch of unsupervised teenagers drink and party every night? Where are the parents? Besides James Franco, who was about as mature as the teens, adults got about three minutes of total screen time. And, Emma Roberts has to be the most unathletic starting striker on any soccer team. Really? Save your money. Just stay home and watch reruns of Jersey Shore. At least I heard that was funny......

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