Only Lovers Left Alive

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Nudity    Violence    Sex    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens April 25, 2014 in Dallas

Runs 122 minutes

Adam (Tom Hiddleston) is a centuries old vampire living a reclusive life in a burned out section of Detroit.  He makes a very good living as an underground musician whose only contact with the outside world is Ian (Anton Yelchin), a young man who procures whatever Adam needs with no questions asked and Dr. Watson (Jeffrey Wright) who provides ample quantities of the pure blood that keeps him alive.  Eve (Tilda Swinton) is his wife, an even older vampire living in Tangiers.  They Skype to stay in touch and visit each other when the urge strikes.  Adam is feeling melancholy so Eve flies to Detroit to be with him (at night, of course).  They enjoy getting re-acquainted and their time together is filled with late night talks, music and dancing to old records. Everything is fine until Eve's sister Ava (Mia Wasikowska) arrives for a visit.  She throws their lives into chaos and they are are forced to flee back to Tangiers.

I am not normally a fan of Jim Jarmusch's films. However, I really liked this one.  It is very atmospheric and moody.  The acting is excellent and the chemistry between Adam and Eve (nice touch with the names) is fabulous. It is not so much a vampire movie as a love story. And, there is quite a bit of humor thrown in as well.  If you are a fan of arty, well-acted films, then this is for you.

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