Now You See Me 2

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens June 10, 2016

Runs 129 minutes

The Four Horsemen (Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Dave Franco and Lizzy Caplan - replacing Isla Fisher) are back after a year in exile. They soon discover that a tech prodigy named Walter Mabry (Daniel Radcliffe) was behind their exile and is now threatening exposure if they don't agree to pull off a daring heist for him. With the FBI hot on their trail, led by Dylan Rhodes (Mark Ruffalo), their only hope is to perform one last stunt that clears their names for good and reveals the true mastermind behind everything.

If this movie sounds a little confusing, it is. But, it is also funny and action-packed with some mind-boggling magic stunts to boot. Everyone from the original (except Isla Fisher) is back in some form or fashion and there are some new characters, as well. And, the evil eye is still watching over them all. I thought this movie was fun and it kept my interest. There are some glaring issues, but they can be overlooked if you just go along for the ride. When Woody Harrelson's evil twin brother hits the screen, things do seem a little far-fetched. Just don't try to pick holes in the plot. Have a laugh and enjoy the magic. If you liked the first one, then you should like this one. Go see it.

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