My Old Lady

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens September 19, 2014

Runs 107 minutes

When Mathias Gold (Kevin Kline) inherits a Paris apartment from his estranged father little did he know that he had inherited an old women, Mathilde Girard (Maggie Smith) as well. Apparently, in France it is common to sell your property under "viager" agreements, where the house or apartment is sold for a discounted payment up front and then the seller is paid a small monthly fee and allowed to live in the house/apartment until their death. I guess this is instead of a reverse mortgage... It is a gamble that can pay off if the person dies soon thereafter or in Mathias' case, can last for over 40 years. When Mathias arrives in Paris he is shocked to find Mathilde and her daughter Chloe (Kristin Scott Thomas) still living in the apartment. He had been planning to sell the apartment because he had used his last dime just to get to Paris. As the story unfolds, we learn more about the old lady and her daughter and how Mathias' father came to buy the apartment. Will Mathias sell the apartment to the slimy developer waiting in the wings or will he let the old lady live out her days in her ancestral home?

This is a great movie. The acting is phenomenal. The movie is very funny, but as the back story unfolds there are some shocking revelations and a lot of darkness, as well. The movie turned out to be quite different from what I expected going into it. I love to be surprised by a movie! Anyway, I really liked this movie, the story and the cast. And, stay for the credits to find out what Mathias ultimately does with the apartment!

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