Mr. Holmes

Parental Rating: PG

Contains: Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens July 17, 2015

Runs 105 minutes

Sherlock Holmes (ian McKellen) is living in the country with only his housekeeper Mrs. Munro (Laura Linney) and her son Roger (Milo Parker) for companionship. He is slowly losing his memory due to old age and maybe dementia. He is 93 after all. He decides that he needs to write a record of his last case prior to retirement before he can no longer remember the details. He has an avid pupil in Roger, who is a budding detective himself and is very interested in Sherlock's last case as well as the bees that Sherlock keeps at his country estate. As Sherlock's memory slowly fades, he documents the case that finally drove him to retirement. Will he be able to record all of the details before his memory fails him completely?

I loved this movie. It is slow and deliberate but also filled with humor and emotion. The story about Sherlock's last case is interesting and keeps you guessing. The boy who plays Roger is just fantastic. He is so sharp and clever. And Sir Ian McKellen is superb as Sherlock. I'm sure he will be in the Oscar discussions for this role. The movie is leisurely paced and the revelations happen very deliberately. The mystery is small but very heart-wrenching. So, don't go expecting some big, overblown movie. This is a quiet film that slowly sneaks up on you and may even leave you shedding a few tears. It is excellent and well worth seeing. Go see it!


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