
Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Nudity    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens September 15, 2017

Runs 121 minutes

Jennifer Lawrence (Mother) lives in the country in a big, old house with her husband Javier Bardem (Him). (They have no names.) The house is creepy. There is no modern technology except a landline (because "Him" is a writer and he needs complete separation from the world. There doesn't even seem to be a car. In 2017?? Really??) Anyway, one day they get some guests, Ed Harris (Man) and Michelle Pfeiffer (Woman). At first, it is not clear why they are there (or how they found the house in the middle of nowhere). Soon, it becomes clear they are fans of "Him". Then their kids show up, stupid stuff happens, there is a funeral and everyone comes back to the creepy house and then WON'T LEAVE. For no reason. Finally, things settle down and "Mother" gets pregnant. Big Mistake. This inspires "Him" who writes a five star poem that brings 100's of his fans out of the woodwork. They converge on the house, invade, tear everything apart and never leave. Then they commit the world's most vile crime and the movie ends. Horrible.

I wanted to review this movie because it is officially my pick for worst movie of the year.  The first 2/3's of the film were ok. A little creepy buildup. A weird visit by Ed Harris and Michelle Pfeiffer. Some strange funeral guests that didn't really want to leave. The acting was good, especially Michelle Pfeiffer. The story kept my interest. Then the whole movie lost it! The final 1/3 was ridiculous. This movie couldn't decide what it was supposed to be. Serious drama? Part horror? Sicko supernatural thriller? I read comparisons to Adam and Eve and the book of Genesis and also to Mother Nature. People were really grasping at straws to describe an indescribably bad movie. Skip this. Never think about it. The end will make you sick. Don't go.

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