Miss Sloane

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Sex    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens Deceber 9, 2016

Runs 132 minutes

Elizabeth Sloane (Jessica Chastain) is a powerful lobbyist, known for winning at all costs. She is lured to a smaller boutique firm by Rodolfo Schmidt (Mark Strong) to take on the formidable gun lobby and help pass a law requiring background checks. She pulls out all of the stops, sacrificing everything along the way. Only this time, winning may come at too high of a price even for her.

This movie is a pretty interesting look into the power that lobbyists hold over Washington. I thought it presented a fair look at both sides of the gun control issue so you should be able to enjoy it regardless of which side you are on in the gun debate. Jessica Chastain does a tremendous job as Miss Sloane. She is smart, fast-talking and has a take no prisoners approach. A great performance. Everyone else is great in supporting roles. The film speeds along and has a nice twisty ending. But the whole thing left me wanting it to be just a little bit better. I think it is because it left me feeling sad at the way the power brokers hold sway over Washington. It all felt just a little dirty. But, overall a nice drama that felt very current with a strong cast. Go see it.

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