
Parental Rating: PG


Jill's Review

Opens July 10, 2015

Runs 91 minutes

The cute, little yellow minions have been around since the dawn of time. All they want is to find a nice, Evil master to serve. They manage to kill off their first few masters, like the Caveman and Napoleon, and are stuck living in a cave until Kevin, Stewart and Bob set out to find them all a new Evil master. They hit the road and eventually end up at the Villian convention in Orlando. There they meet Scarlet Overkill (Sandra Bullock) and become her new henchmen. All she wants is for them to steal Queen Elizabeth's crown and she will let all of the minions become her loyal servants. Will Kevin, Stewart and Bob be able to pull off the biggest heist ever and save all of minion-kind?

This was a cute movie. The minions are always cute and adorable, even when wreaking havoc wherever they go. They speak their own language and adapt to any situation. But, sometimes the gibberish does get a little old. And, the humor is definitely geared toward kids. Even though there are some funny sight gags that only adults would get - like when Kevin, Stewart and Bob accidentally walk onto the soundstage where they are faking the moon landing. Ha! pretty clever. Just not enough of that. It slows down quite a bit in the last third of the movie. So, overall it is cute and the kids will probably love it! Just be prepared to laugh and groan a little. It is only 91 minutes so go check it out and find out how the minions finally meet GRU....

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