Me Before You

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens June 3, 2016

Runs 110 minutes

Lou Clark (Emilia Clarke) lives with her family in a small country town. She works at the local bakery and dates a fitness fanatic named Patrick (Matthew Lewis). When the bakery unexpectedly closes, she is at loose ends. She tries several jobs before she lands one as the caretaker for a rich and attractive paralyzed man - Will Traynor (Sam Claflin). He was in a tragic accident that paralyzed him and he is not adapting to his situation. When Lou bursts into his life, he is very resistant to her charms. Of course, they slowly become friends and then even more. But, Will has a secret wish to end his life at a Swedish clinic specializing in assisted suicide. Will's parents and Lou all hope that her persistence will help him to realize that he has something to live for afterall. Can love change his mind?

I loved this movie and I have to admit I shed quite a few tears. Emilia Clarke just beams happiness every time she smiles in this film. She is so expressive and just happy. Her chemistry with Sam Claflin was palpable. The film was romantic and gorgeous. It does deal with a touchy topic and if you have read the book, you know where this film is headed as it stays true to the novel. So, it is also extremely sad and touching. Luckily, the entire film does have humor and a light touch. I highly recommend this movie. Take your Mom or your sister and a box of kleenex. Go see it!

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