McFarland, USA

Parental Rating: PG

Contains: Language    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens February 20, 2015

Runs 128 minutes

The inspiring true story of a group of migrant farm laborer children who go on to become a championship cross country team. Coach White (Kevin Costner) has burned a few bridges in his past and McFarland High School is one of the last places willing to hire him to fill a Life Science and PE position. He was also supposed to be the assistant football coach but that lasted less then a week. Then he noticed a lot of the students at the school also worked with their parents in the fields as pickers before and after school. And, they ran miles back and forth carrying their backpacks. He decides to start a cross country team even though he doesn't know the first thing about what that involves. Gradually, the kids (and the Coach) are transformed as they learn the importance of teamwork and begin to grow as individuals, as well. They never had dreams of their own before this opportunity. Now, they just might fulfill their own American dream. And, they run really fast, too.

This is a really neat story. These kids all came from laborer families. They knew the meaning of hard work. They got up at dawn to help in the fields and headed back to the fields after school. Once they started running, that just added to their daily burden. But, it gave them a glimpse of a future that didn't involve picking and they worked their butts off to become the best that they could be. It is so inspiring to see the closeness of these impoverished families who couldn't really afford to spare these kids time, but supported them anyway. And, in the long run, it all paid off. I loved the end of the film which reveals what each of these young boys went on to accomplish. It is amazing how many of them returned to McFarland to give back and try to help other children fulfill their dreams. Go See it!!

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